10 Ways You Can Offer Free Shipping
The number one perk that drives online conversion 56% of shoppers agree that when they decide to check out, unexpected costs like shipping fees, handling fees or other charges that weren’t made clear in the original price, are what drive them away. 59% stated that if the shipping costs were high (even if stated upfront), in comparison to the perceived value of the product being sold, they would give a negative recommendation. 77% of shoppers said that free shipping was the most important part in deciding whether or not to abandon their shopping cart. 68% stated that they would likely recommend the store to another person if free shipping was offered. More than half (60%) have added items to their cart simply to qualify for free shipping. Shipping Costs Are a Huge Factor in Your Customers’ Purchase Decision Being presented with unexpected costs is the number one reason shoppers abandon their cart without completing their purchase. In a recent large-scale study conducted by comScore ...